Tuesday, November 01, 2011

SWOR HavocTrooperBuild09.1 Pep Warping :(

So one of the issues that has come up is pep working and it has me worried and i have to give it some thought before i proceed to even think of resining this helmet.

The helmet is warping on me in several spots. Maybe it's cause my pep skills aren't that good yet, or maybe cause it's the elmers glue that i'm using but but as you'll see below it really cheapens the helmet's look.

The opening itself is not oval the way i had modeled it, instead it has loped on me somehow. It's really noticeable from the back view and it just bugs me. It gives the feeling that it got left out on the sun and started to melt.

I was hoping that i built it, it would go away like some on the top of the helmet that did go away as i added more geometry, Sadly it didn't tho.

Next is the muzzle area, what a pain it was to pep this section let me tell you. When i unwrapped it i didn't realize that the little center pieces had all split up and it was a night mare to cut and glue all those little pieces together. Worse then the little bolt that will hold the visor.

As you can see, with a little bit of pressure it goes back to it'supposed spot.

Same thing with the visor, just a little pressure and bam, just fine. Maybe when i rework the model i'll add geometry closing off the visor to help reinforce it. I can then cut it out once i've rhondoed it.

I did a little R&D on the forums and it seems that these problems will go away if i reinforce the areas with some extra cardstock in places to hold it in the right place and then resin it. The resin is supposed to help it hold it's form, i can then get rid of the reinforcements. I'll keep researching.

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