Thursday, November 08, 2007

New Old Stuff :P

I had to scan in some art work i had drawn up in my sketch book to get to a writer whom is rewriting some material for me for the first Miss A Bomb Episode. Oh joy I'm soo looking forward to seeing what she has written. Well for now here is some of that artwork which i scanned in. Wow i can't belive that i did these in 06 and now we're near the end of 07 and about to start 08. Wow how does time fly.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

More Class Assingments and 3D :P

Here is my second assingment for Bobby Chiu. In this one all I had to do was colorize it so i didn't do the actual painting just color. It was fun though and now I can't wait to use this in my future comics.

Here is also an update on the 3d Apache I've been working on. I managed to build the weapons and landing gear. Even got the back rotor done. Ohh ohhh and the machine gun in the front. :P

Monday, August 27, 2007

My first digital painting assingment from Bobby Chiu

Been a while since my last post. I’ve been off on vacation from work and also taking this cool digital painting Class with Bobby Chiu.
I got to go to San Diego Comic Con and there i got to meet him in person. A really nice guy and great out look on life. One in which i hope to imulate and follow to the best of my abilities. Thanks Bobby for makeing such a great school to learn from and for all your great art that is soo inspirational.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Me and my Apache

Here is some 3d b4 I head off to bead to dream up of more stuff. It's from a tut I've been working on and just finished the the body i think. Still need some 13 more parts to go. :P

Monday, April 02, 2007

A daily for fun

Been really busy lately but i finally found some time to clown around :P

Friday, March 02, 2007

dialy for Fri 939297

nother for today :P

Me and 3d

Wow I'm tired, been boarding all day at work and i had to force my self to do something creative when i got home today. So I went ahead and blocked out the sword from the Jaon tut.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

dialy for Thur 030107

happy happy joy joy

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

daily for today 022807

Whaaahahahahah i can't think of anything. :(

Me and 3d

Well here I am brushing up my 3d skills. I managed to build the body, head and ear in this tutorial project. I look forward to creating the rest and i hope it comes out good. :P

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

dailySketch for 022707

I'm going to start this babie up again. Here is one i did today during lunch :P